Originally Posted by MicroHellas
Hello Mike,
Last days of October I had got a shock by wakingup in the middle of the night blonding from my mouth and my back and with an increadible pain in my stomach. Thanks to God I was early to the Hospital where I had a emergency surgery lasting 5 1/2 trying to clear my inside from food and liquid that my exploded stomach droped around. I stayed hospitalization for 35 days.
After that, I decided to make my life easier. In other words to not care of anything. As you can see I didn't even placed a copyright to avoid fight with those who are removing it. So, as from me, they'll stay here.
Wow... very sad to hear that and glad to see your doing good... I reckon we all took it the wrong way how you just pulled the mods and the message you left in them lead us to believe otherwise but such is life when your sick and sometimes it's similar to the plain ole' version of being sick... well the so sick you just don't care... want the fan, a cold rag, and a trashcan nearby maybe with a coke to sip on or in your case that same feeling but 1000x worse

Again, sorry to hear that and I'll put this mod to good use... next time you have troubles contact another good coder and maybe *cough *cough they'll temporarily support your mods while your gone