Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
If I install this today will it be gone tomorrow?
Otherwise it seems odd to even attempt installing it tbo. I like you and our mods just not the way you have handled them here in the past so before I even go through the trouble I'm simply asking you nicely is this worth my time?
Hello Mike,
Last days of October I had got a shock by wakingup in the middle of the night blonding from my mouth and my back and with an increadible pain in my stomach. Thanks to God I was early to the Hospital where I had a emergency surgery lasting 5 1/2 trying to clear my inside from food and liquid that my exploded stomach droped around. I stayed hospitalization for 35 days.
After that, I decided to make my life easier. In other words to not care of anything. As you can see I didn't even placed a copyright to avoid fight with those who are removing it. So, as from me, they'll stay here.