Originally Posted by Charlie98902
Another quick question. I assume that if one user posts a ticket that another user can not see it? Meaning the ticket poster can't see other tickets and such.
Correct. Tickets are private and not public.
Originally Posted by Charlie98902
Also is there a way for this to notify you when a ticket poster post replies as a notification? Is that even possible if not current? By notifying I mean like you get a PM it lets you know.
User is notifying by email. The email is configurable at General Options.
Originally Posted by Charlie98902
Also in the ticket system is there like a auto prefix? To use an example....A person posts a ticket. The ticket automatically says pending or something till a staff member replies then when a staff member replies it have a prefix like awaiting for more info from user or like that if you get my drift. Kind of like when you would post a support ticket to your server people. I'll post a screenie on that. I hope the screenie helps you understand what I am asking. Now this is using some sort of portal but is used as an example only.
There are 4 predefinied statuses: Open, Hold (means awaiting response), Closed. User can reopen a closed ticket.