Works mostly O.K.
Only issue is ran up against was that it does show newly made reports wich are perfectly placed in the section I wanted. Mods of mij forum als get a message, but when the click the link they get a database error.
This is because the do not have acces to the ACP, only admin and supermods can do this.
To fix this I'd have to set each mod to supermoderator, something I didn't have in mind, while my forum is set tot different sections belonging to separate moderators in wich each of them has specific rights. A supermoderator would have the same right over the complete forum.
Second issue is that not just the mod for who the report is to be handled by is getting the message of a new report, but everone, including alk mods of other sections of our board.
Standard out of VB reports are sent to a specfic, handset, section of our board. What I'd like to have is a feature wich sends an extra PM tot the moderator with the rights to fix it and none to any other.