Originally Posted by abdelghani68
There is an othere little bug. The sorts of entries in categorie is :
Filename 09
Filename 10
Filename 101
Filename 11
It's not now :
Filename 09
Filename 10
Filename 11
Filename 101
This isn't a bug - there was a discussion some time ago about the 'correct' ordering of titles that have numbers in them, and the view was that (in your case) 101 comes after 11, not before it. The change was made in version 2.3.0.
If you really want the old behaviour, edit includes/local_links_include.php and find (line 1341 or thereabouts):
PHP Code:
uksort($optbit, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a, $b);'));
and change it to
PHP Code:
uksort($optbit, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a, $b);'));
Originally Posted by abdelghani68
I have some suggesitons :
a popup for download time estimation
Notify Submitter on New Comments
The Height and wight of Shadowbox's popup is as the height and width of the image.
Thanks, will be taken into consideration for the vb 4.x version of LDM, but I'm not sure whether the first suggestion is possible from the server side. There will be no further development of the 3.x code other than serious bug fixes.