Thank you for your feedback and your opinion, here's mine:
Thankfully I don't give a RA what you morally object against

No offense.
Those who want to have this, can download it, those who don't - can move on to something else.
Why do you care if the issues get fixed if you don't like it? Obviously you had an interest in it, otherwise you wouldn't even have found this topic.
It's not an "issue" to have a number in 1 category displayed, it's simply not a feature.
It's working as designed. The "issue" is not an issue, and therefor won't get fixed.
There's no intention to update this modification at this point. If the time is there and it's needed, I will get the team together and make a new release for 3.8.x
It's working as designed on my sites, and we tried our best to double the feature set based on feedback in this thread. And those bugs have been fixed. Anything new due to UPGRADES by vBulletin and NOT us .. won't get fixed until we need it fixed ourselves. I no longer have a need for this, our community has started, we used this, and it helped, we now have live users and live content, with 350+ online members and 225,000+ topics and growing.