As of vB4 Beta 5 the thread thumbnail 'issue' still applies; there is no vB4 option anywhere to display on the forumdisplay.php thread listing the thread thumbnail next to the thread, nor in searches and/or tag searches. This truly befuddles me; why has this never been addressed; am I the only art forum out there with posted art attachments?
Well, anyhow, past the griping…
Things have really changed in vB4 and this mod, at first glance, will NOT be readily interfacable into the new scheme of things that vB has mixed up. Gone, gone are the $dataquery, $items and stuff like that, the Hooks I believe is what they are/were called.
At this point I can not see a way to incorporate this mod’s approach into the vB4 templates and php.
Has anyone else had a gem of wisdom here as to how to proceed, once again, in finding a way in vB4 to display thread thumbnails of forum thread listings, search and tag search listings? Please let us know.
Ciao, theOZer