The main ACP page when you log in. You'll see it there.
1. Mod file(s) as stated in the Cron-Mail-Queue.txt
2. Backup orig. files. Upload edited to appropriate locations. Upload other file needed.
3. Install xml through ACP
4. Configure number of emails per hour:
ACP> VB Options> Email Options>
Find: Use Mailqueue System.
Change to Yes
Find: Number of Emails to Send Per Batch
Set to 50, 60, 70, etc.
**NOTE** Cron job runs every 10 minutes by default / when isntalled. So if you send 50 per batch, 6 times an hour, that would be 300 per hour.
To view the queue, log into your ACP, scroll down past the Notices, and you'll find:
Mailqueue Quick Stats
To view the cron job:
ACP> Scheduled Tasks> Scheduled Task Manager>
where you will find: "Process Mail Queue for vBulletin 3.7"
You can view the cron job, edit / disable, and or manually run the job by clicking the "Run Now" button.
Other than that, it's pretty straight forward.