Just wanted to say for people having a problem when they have a custom theme or if they click and it goes to some wierd url then you need to modify his file. I have tested on six forums so far and works great. I had to hard code the url. If you do a search in his xml file for
<a href=\"'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/misc.php?do=cybbannman\">'.$vbphrase['cybfibr_manage'].'</a></td></tr>';
you see he does have an error by my terms. I changed it to below and works and also fixed the smiley error part.
<a href="http://www.yoursite.com/forums/misc.php?do=cybbannman">'.$vbphrase['cybfibr_manage'].'</a></td></tr>';
results may vary but this is how i got it working on custom themes and also other boards that was having issues.