no...the way I did it was to place it in the members.php -> because i had it add a few fields to the display stuff...
then you can put the $startcount1 wherever.
here is code i am using:
// Find out how many game reviews this user has made
$gstartcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND forumid='16'");
$gamestarts = $gstartcount[starts];
// end Find threads
// Find out how many media clips this user has posted
$mstartcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND forumid='25'");
$mediastarts = $mstartcount[starts];
// end Find threads
// Find out how many missions this user has made
$mistartcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND forumid='26'");
$mixedstarts = $mistartcount[starts];
// end Find threads