Originally Posted by Dierk Droth
I recently had to upgrade out forum from vB3.6.X to latest vB3.8.X. In accordance I had to upgrade LDM. Now there is a problem:
As regular users edit an entry they created, the "Parent category" listbox at the bottom in NOT populated. As a result, if they confirm their editing they would get a "Category does not exist" error.
This is not a problem from admin forum users.
Any idea what could cause that?
Thanks in advance
Off-hand, I would imagine that this is a permissions-related problem. Do all your categories have associated 'parent forums'? Worth checking that regular users have 'canview' and 'canviewothers' permissions for these forums (vb/admincp). If this is not the problem, I'm very willing to take a look at your site, but will need full admin access - send me a PM if you want to go this route.