This looks like a fantastic mod, is up and installed on our test site no problemo at all. What we're after is something to replace our basic shoutbox so we probably wouldn't use a lot of the features, at least initially anyway. Given this, these are what I see as the basic things we're after for it:
1. Single, private, hidden channel - this is for our members only and we can be an unsociable bunch

2. Able to change the style to that of our forums.
3. NO ADS!! Now I know as Floris as said this is how they get their money, but would be willing to pay a monthly fee to not have them, is this possible?
4. Usergroup permissions to be carried across, be nice with usergroup colours automatically on the names if possible too.
5. Single login, i.e. users have logged into the site so can access the chat without having to login again.
6. History of chat, be able to see say the last 30 comments made before you logged in???
That's all, not much really is it

. I do realise most of these have been brought up before and are being currently looked at as this is in beta as well as VB. The list is as much so I can remember my thoughts on it.
Keep up the great work guys, I'll def be keeping an eye on this
