Prizes & Contests
I'd really like to get something like this up & running as I really think it would bring in more people & traffic.
My forums already get decent traffic , but i'd like to increase it a lot more.
My idea is this :
A Mod that gives away real prizes.
#1 First you would click on a button to register yourself for the contest for that particular month.
#2 For each 5 legitimate posts the user makes that month, they get 1 entry into the contest. (For example : From December 1st to December 31st)
#3 The more entries a user has, the better the chance the user has to winning the prize for that month.
#4 Then I guess... a Master Random Draw button to draw the winner for that month. Once again, the more entries they have...the better the chance they'll be selected for the prize.
I'm talking big prizes here too... not some 1 potato, 2 potato stuff.. I'd like to give away a Xbox 360 & PS3 once a month on my forum.
I might be losing money the first few months, but as long as I put an announcement at the top of the forum saying something along the lines us
"Special Announcement : We at LLL Forums are giving away a free PS3 & Xbox 360 every month. No bull. All you have to do is be a member & post to have a chance each month."
Am I the only one thinking , or is this an amazing idea to increase traffic to our forums ? And why isn't there a similar mod yet ? this should be epic.