I too am having the overflowing buttons problem and have been trying to cause that long line to wrap at the right point but have not had as predictable responses as expected, can anyone advise, based on both the edits offered here and the regular template for these reply boxes, as to how to insert line breaks or cause it to wrap at a specific width to keep it inside the boxes?
I hear a number of people complaining about there being no support, but see the Author has responded to many issues with solutions, and unless people read through all these posts or searches the thread for relevant information, I wouldn't complain about someone offering such complex work and extensibility to your vB forums for free, considering once it is working properly, your members will be VERY grateful to you for having installed it. So give the author a chance, he has been here until October, so if someone becomes unavailable it could be for any number of personal reasons, and possibly any kind of medical family or other type of emergency occupying their time.
It is also possible this author was not to thrilled about some new changes that have taken place and is no longer using vB themselves so why should they continue support here?
So there are any number of possibilities and we should be thankful for the hack, and be patient and try testing different means on getting the output you would llike, after all it is only "code", you going to let that get the better of you rather than keeping a mock install with a post and member database to fiddle with the hack's code and the style issues/conflicts, and maybe someone will be able to solve this for most of us in some time, after all there "IS" a bb code explanation/use page that could be linked to for "more" bb code options that won't fit in the QR toolbars.
Waiting patiently while trying alternative solutions, that will be shared if I am successful!
Truthfully, I did not find the instructions on this mod page, at all difficult to understand, except for the gray area about the stlye.xml use.
That I'll give you could have been better addressed!