Originally Posted by kurios
Any chance we can get the ability to close/delete/move threads and posts, and also give infractions to users right from the report in the ModCP? I've already made some modifications to show the forum title where the report came from (so mods can look for specific reports quicker). Something like inlinemod, but... erm... in the Mod CP (yes, the redundancy is awesome!)
Yeah I may look into doing something like this when I get an opportunity to work on the next. There is a link to the post at the top of the report I belive so time speant searching for it shouldn't be an issue, I edit the title though so instead of saying "X has reported Y's Z" it says "X has reported Y's Z in W" the trouble is I don't want to start cluttering the interface by including too many options, although I could change the side links to a drop-down menu in the next release to accommodate for extra options, we'll see!