Unable to login as admin
I have this fixed!
Found another user, emailed him, asked him if i could gain access to his account. Got access, changed the password for my account and changed the default theme. Phew.
I'll try and keep this as short as possible.
I have a forum, which I haven't logged in in a long while. I came to login today (Complecated, but it involves a C&D), and was unable to as my username and password was incorrect.
I clicked 'forgot password', and tried to reset, however it told me that the CAPTCHA was incorrect (This is a custom template, it doesn't even have captcha).
I thought i'd register a new account, and add admin priveledges on phpmyadmin, again disallowed due to CAPTCHA.
I decided to then change the default style on phpmyadmin to #1, the default theme. However, I wasn't able to figure that out.
Was wondering the process of doing this?
Thanks for any help