I tried this hack last nite on a PHP based front page
Now, being that I'm a id-10-T newbie with PHP, I'll claim no great shakes at page design, or PHP coding, but, it seems to have serious issues(MySql DB errors, and bad pass data to SQL call) if there are no cookies, but only gets the:
Warning: Headers already sent" error message when a cookie is present. Also, it DOES issue the Welcom back message. I know that the admin.php is called from the global.php include....
I also changed it up a bit, making all the statements after the } else { statement to be print( statements, as I wasn't getting a good result with the escape from html/PHP structure that was in place.
It DOES process the logon correctly, and allows the links on my front page direct access to the threads, so what I've got going wrong has to be simple....
Another consideration is that I use BadMeetsEvil's Headlines script, modified, and in several variants, each with a different forum category for all the areas on the board.
The other hacks used on the front page are;
- Last 10 Posts (trimmed to 5)
- Who's Online (Vertical Form)
- Top 10 Posters
A sample of the page can be seen
If you want to logon, use the userId: Varebel, password same as user Id. It's a read-only Id, so no posting is allowed, simply a test vehicle we use for see what the general public see's.
Thanks for any help in advance....Be kind, Old mainframers need help, too
