Is it possible to add some sort of hard coded limitation on download speed to the downloads perhaps by using fread() - I dont mind modifying a couple of lines of code and slowing things down for all users if I have to however I host massive files and it would be an ideal situation to be able to slow everyone to 300kps tops during peak. I don't know much about coding sadly however my guess is that if the amount for speed is set as a variable X then fread's speed beinf that variable that was set means the speed can be changed on the fly by just either changing a config file or an entry in the relevant download file itself.
Anyway - my question really should be, how do I do this, where do I put it and thanks
Edit, bonus question - is there also way to display the last 50 people who downloaded and what it is that they downloaded - then I could have that on the front page of the download system.