Originally Posted by CristianoDiaz
I am having a problem with this hack - it previously has worked fine, but now, the list of forums to filter in User CP is blank - it only has Reset Exclusions at the top. There are multiple forums set to be excludable, and it was fine in the past Any ideas what might be causing this to happen?
Found out this issue occurs if you have vBSEO installed. At that stage of the processing of the page, vBSEO has added links to the forumcache array, so the check done in the plugin SFF: User Options won't work as it should and will effectively make the forum select box empty, since all forums have been assigned a link by vBSEO
A simple solution is to change the "Direct Category Links" option in your vBSEO Control Panel to "No". Otherwise, you could modify the code of the plugin build the forum list before vBSEO intercepts it, but I have not tried.