Originally Posted by sanjay369
Exciting progress- let us know if we can help in any way!
I am not sure I understand why someone would need roaming capability to upload to their gallery versus a thread? Is your forum set up in a way that people get updates on gallery images in real time? Threads and posts are usually where people see images and where members want the ability to be able to post images to share....like they do on Facebook. If they are just adding to their albums then what is the need for real-time capability?
That said, it would not be too hard for us to fix this issue by having the uploads go straight to a members gallery instead of a a separate roaming upload folder on your site. PM me details about your forum and gallery software and maybe we can try it out for you.
if you don't get it - I suggest you take a look at a little website that allows people to upload images and not attach them to threads...they simply go into someone's album.
oh - and by the way - they're very successful and people love the feature
it's called
I'm not trying to be facetious but IMHO the reasons are self-evident for a feature like this.
My members are very mobile and love to post pictures and my members spend hours looking at other people's pictures and the more pages that get served the more ads I can and serve and the more ads I can server the money money I make.
ps: It's not about 'real time' it's all about convenience and making it easy for people to add content to your website....
at least easier than all of your competitors!!!!!