Originally Posted by Lynne
I haven't tried many other conditions with this. If you want to do it for a Section, then you would also have to modify the existing navbar to not show the Home tab when you are on that section, otherwise it isn't unique. Right now, the Home tab shows whenever you are in the CMS area of the site. So, you'd have to change that condition to say "in the CMS but NOT in section xx" otherwise both tabs will be highlighted and only one of the submenus will be shown. I'm not sure what the exact condition would be since I'm not that familiar with all the variable names used with the new CMS ($sectionid == 2 ?).
how to find the variable name listing for the CMS? i'm looking anywhere and found nothing. i'm temporary disabling the highlight effect for Home and New Page navigation.
i've just removed #navtabs li.selected a.navtab from vbulletin-chrome.css, the navigation structure doesn't make sense. when vbull combined with CMS, features such as calendar, FAQ, photo gallery, friends, group should be global and not under the forum section. they should have it's own link at the parent navigation bar. now i will just manually add navigation links from the template, hope vbull developer will fix this in the future.