Ok figured it out.....Replaced the fblogin.php file from the 2.0.6 version.
It's actually in the Upgrade directions when you download the 2.0.6. ...my bad!
I had the older file still on the server from the 2.0.5 version.
Now let's test it out...............thanks for this mod!:up:
- Is there a way to extract an email from the facebook users?
- An already registered member uses the facebook connect, they now have 2 different accounts! = the original registration, and the new nickname one they just created through facebook connect! Is there a way to keep the members that already have an account on my forum who use the facebook connect, from creating a second username? Or is the only option to merge the usernames, and if the usernames are merged into one, will the same user be able to login through facebook connect without having to create another new nickname?
- How will I know if a new user using facebook connect is a spammer?
- Is there also a way to make the apps email from facebook connect smaller in the users awaiting validation? It makes the screen really wide.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.....