Originally Posted by linuxututs
Thanks for the Update NLP-er,
Can you tell me the hook that calls the images above the navbar ?
I have photoplog Pro install on my site and translation bar isn't showing.
Thanks a million 1 Mate,
Flags are created in
global_start hook. So if photoplog is using global.php those should be created, and it photoplog is using some different templates, then you can use
$vbenterprisetranslatorflags in template which is necessary. That assuming that
global_start was called... Otherwise it will not be translated at all, because global_complete will also not included.
Also because it works in subdirectory if there are any relative paths you can have broken links during translation tracking for SEO type, but I was checking and it looks that /photolog is added so should be no issues.
Please inform me about results