There were about 50 people who joined the chat room while I was there, they asked a few questions, I will post them here as a FAQ:
Can users from the board auto login showing username?
Answer: We are looking into this, mibbit needs to support form input.
Can I get my own server?
Answer: Yes, you can pay for your own ircd shell account somewhere, or use the vbirc network at no cost (comes with irc support)
Can I get my own (registered) nickname?
Answer: Yes, everybody is free to join, change to a nickname, and optionally register it (so others can't use it).
Commands: /nick NewName (example: /nick JohnDoe) (nicks can't start with a number, can't have names, as per irc protocol)
Can I get my own (registered) channel?
Answer: Yes, everybody is free to join any channel. If you are the first to join an unregistered channel, you are creating it, and optionally you can register it. (To register a channel you must have a registered nickname, so the service bot knows who you are)
Commands: /join #channel (example: /join #chat)
Commands: /msg chanserv register #channel password description (example: /msg chanserv register #myownchannel secr3tp4ss My personal channel)
Can I be in full control of my own channel?
Answer: Yes, you will have founder access, you can add your own moderators, kick and ban users.
Can I update the plugin to point to my own irc server, or my own channel?
Answer: Yes, you can change the irc server, and/or channel name. See screenshot for example in above release post)
Can my forum home display who's online in the chat?
Answer: Yes and no. Yes, it's possible, but no, because I am still working on this
I don't use/like vBulletin 4, don't you have a version for vBulletin 3?
Answer: Yes, a back port is being coded, and might be available soon.
I remember pjirc java applet, will this plugin support that?
Answer: Yes and no. Yes it's possible and we're working on it, but it's not yet available.
I was in the channel, but nobody was talking. What up with that?
Answer: You joined during a time where people were not looking at the screen, try again, and give it a few minutes, allowing people to switch back to irc and see what is new and reply.
wth, why are there ads in the chat page?
Answer: Mibbit is a free service, they include the ads inside their widget. The ads there are not from author of ezirc, vborg, or vbirc chat network. We get nothing from those clicks. This is how mibbit monetizes their free service.
For example, I've upgraded my widget code to a premium account, ad-free; (example of ad-free mibbit)
Stay tuned!