Didn't update yet, but I found something that has been annoying my users (and thus me) for ages.
I use vbGallery, and whenever my users clicked to include a thumb linked to original, the link would bring them to an empty screen, due to a missing filename.
I finally figured out what happened. I have the ability to get rezised pictures enabled, which caused the mod to always look for an originalname. However, if pictures were NOT resized (and I increased the filesize for quite a few options), it therefore would grab a blank filename.
I think I fixed it now, by editing photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php.
Look for:
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['originalname'];
$img['med'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
Replace with:
if ($array['originalname'] <> "")
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['originalname'];
} else {
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
$img['med'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];