Reading this post helped me figure out why my session style (not cookie, cookie was fine) login was not working in an ajax function yet it was in a regular POST/redirect style flow.
A redirect is not explicitly needed, it is what happens during the redirect (exec_header_redirect()) which is needed. After looking through the code the reason it appears that a proper redirect is needed is that it eventually calls
exec_shut_down() which saves the session.
I could not figure out why my session was not saved correctly with the user info inside and this is the reason.
So for a very simple login:
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->userinfo = fetch_userinfo($userid);
$vbulletin->session->created = false;
process_new_login($logintype = '', $cookieuser = false, $cssprefs = '');
Thanks again for the 'redirect' tip-off, this has been pissing me off for about 2 days.