Originally Posted by MyChemicalSelf
GSBOS the predecesor was released here or if you check the google code page (it's linked in the first post) you can find GCBOS for 3.8
Thx, but i have a problem... is there any support of this version? (for 3.8.x) cuz the chatbox doesn't appear in my forum... i tried with:
-Step 4
--Open the acp once again for GCBOS to display you need to add two template hooks first open headinclude and scroll to the bottom.
--Add "{vb:raw template_hook.headinclude}" (without the quotes to the end of the template save the template. Next open FORUMHOME
--and search for "<!-- /main -->" (without the quotes and add "{vb:raw template_hook.gcbos_display}" above (without the quotes)
--gcbos can be displayed on any page with this hook in ("{vb:raw template_hook.gcbos_display}").
But without results, i think this step is for vb4, right?
I don't know how to display the chatbox, is there any variable or something that i have to use in a template?