Hello together,
after some time absense from the vB-code (obviusly too long absense

) I am working now a little bit on the vB4.
What I want to do is to place a second search box in the navbar, to do direct from there membersearch. (See attached screenshot, that's how i want it).
I tried a little bit this and that, but nothing really works. Don't get me wrong, I don't ask for a complete coded solution, but maybe someone can "bring me on the way" and give me some hints. (The searchobx itself is working, but the position is not correct)
Thanks for your help.
Best regards
I attached a second screenshot, where you can see, what my best result was. The problem is, I can't get the second searchbox left of the original search-box. Currently I add the code for "my" searchbox here:
Template "navbar"
<div id="globalsearch">
Edit 2
O.k., leave me alone with the problem and I will solve it
No, seriously, I nearly made it. After creating additionaly CSS-entries, it's working. The only thing is, that the position is now in a fixed distance to the last menu-button. I would like it more, to have it fixed with a special distance to the right searchbox. But that's a small detail without priority.
If someone is interested, I can post how to make the change.