Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
Yes, that email from Google clearly points to the same TOS as I posted and no where in Google's email or TOS do they require the Google logo.
When I see direct recommendation given to forum which was already banned, then I prefer to give good advice to all my users and apply myself, than discuss with Google how they should interpret their own TOS after they ban my page

It is simple matter of avoid potential issues which can take much more time that just change configuration of one parameter. + and -... I see much more + in applying to Google request
Also please take attention that there was 2 links. And under this one (
http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlang...tion/#Branding) you can find:
When your application uses the Google AJAX Language APIs, it is important to communicate the Google brand to your users
And of course you can discuss that vBET is not using Google AJAX API, but CURL, and you can discuss that it is recommendation, but what for waiting till Google ban your forum to make this discussion?...
Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
That is why I am confused because you said there was a "change in the TOS" but there has been no change in the Google TOS.
Yes you have completely right - it is not in TOS
Sorry for confusion.
Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
Also, you said that Google requires their logo or that they will ban the user. That is also not correct. Google's TOS does not require a logo. It requires "Powered by Google." (text).
See the source - you have answer from Google to forum which was already banned. I'm just the messenger here - do not shut the messenger. Go to message author if you want to discuss the issue - go to Google. I simply cannot be responsible and cannot explain others position. So if you think that Google interpret wrong their own TOS - please contact Google for explanation.
At this moment I have information straight from Google that "Powered by Google" should include the logo and I will fit it in default configuration. Every user can make own decision about keeping it or not - it is configurable

I will not put my users in risk to be banned because of unclarity in TOS or wrong understanding of TOS by Google own personnel if I have simple way to avoid any potential issues in this area. This is how I manage the risk. Sorry for confusion - I didn't read whole TOS from the begging - I just used information straight from Google, and still I think that it is wiser to set Google logo than put yourself in the risk of being banned.
Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
Having said that... the Google logo is very nice and we use it 
Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
Also, there is nothing in the Google TOS that requires a referral header during database queries.
First of all - it is not about database queries (there are no headers), but about HTTP GET queries to Google service. And you are wrong about referral header.
You assumed that all conditions are in one place - and this is not safe assumption. You can find TOS on other pages too - this particular you will find here:
Applications MUST always include a valid and accurate http referer header in their requests."
Big letters in MUST are not added by me - it is written this way in Google documentation, so i think that clearly marks Google position in this area