Originally Posted by amjadz4
If you see in the read me file, the file edits which you have to do. In it find this code:
PHP Code:
<img src="<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL') ?>/image.php?u=<?php echo $reply['userid'] ?>&dateline=<?php echo TIMENOW ?>" alt="<?php echo $reply['username'] ?>'s Avatar" class="avatar avatar-32 photo avatar-default" width="32" height="32">
This is what does the avatars. It should work if the paths are correct.
But to be able to link to the avatar i would have to have vbb_VBURL defined right? And what about the $reply - does it need some prework before it works? I've tried inserting the code directly into my functions.php as this is how i define my comments.php, but it just shows an image of vbulletin logo and thats it.
EDIT: Actually it seems everything is working except the usersid is not fetched. When i view the image, i get the correct url:
but as you can see it is missing the u=?????.
So how do i get it to fetch that correctly?
2nd EDIT:
I think i actually got it. I played around a bit and came up with the following (If anyone else should want to use it):
img src="<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL') ?>/image.php?u=<?php $user = get_userdata($comment->user_id);
echo $user->ID; ?>&dateline=<?php echo TIMENOW ?>" alt="Avatar" class="avatar avatar-32 photo avatar-default" width="80" height="80">