As you bring on this topic i will give an example that took place on this board. Sometimes someone is spamming the board with advertisements. This can happen on any board. As a board admin you want to keep those spam post under control and remvoed from public view as soon as possible, mostly banning the member that was spamming.
Once in a while you will have your regular member that, instead of doing what most members do and report such a spam post to staff to take care, finds it "funny" to respond to such spam post. Not reporting it and only bumping, or even quoting, the spam message.
As an admin i can not see the humor of such actions as it only helps the spammer gain more views. As an admin i can also see such a quoted spam post as spam itself, and might be tempted to infract the regular member for spamming also (which would probably ban him/her).
I think you got off very lightly.