Found a little problem with TMS and don't know how to fix it.
I've got the template "ad_footer_end" customized in my main style.
Now I want to make a little temporary adjustment to it, but now te problem occurs. I use TMS, select the "ad_foter_end" template and choose to "view content", but I only get an empty box. Is does not show the adjustments made.
Now I just put in the main box the text which is in the original ad_footer_end and in the replacement box the temporary replacement and this works on my forums. But when I use the "test template modifications" option the "Master" will display the "0 Edit" function, which means there is a problem.
Attachment 106178
But on the bottom of this test page, the "Checking Template-Modifications: vBulletin 3" (my main style) gives the OK sign.
Attachment 106179
I guess it hass something to do with the fact that the ad_footer_end templates is integrated in the footer template with the $ad_footer_end variable and I even changed that position in the original footer template. I put it a bit lower.
But seems to me this is not oke, the Master should give an "oke" just as the main style at the bottom does.
Furthermore the picture which I added on the left side of the banner in the footer, contains no border, but on the right side it does (as it should), see my forums at to see what I mean.