Is it just me or is this the most un-secure password protect set-up around?
Please don't think me rude.......I installed this and there are holes everywhere.
First of all I have vbportal installed. Understandably....this was not written to accomidate that but aside fro those holes in the vb forum itself there is the link at the top of the main forum page "Active Posts" (or something like that).........then there is the little button by the membername in the table on the main forum page for "last post" (or something).....then there is the search a search on the membername you see as the last poster in the forum nad with the results you are someone gets in.....if they never log can't get them out.....they will be able to waltz right in without any logins or anything.....and let's not forget about clicking on the membername of the last poster on the front of that forum and in his profile there is the link to a post inside and you are in again.
Is there any updates to this hack that will close all these holes?
I really want this to work because I don't want to make the forum is too much work to add all the names
Thanks in advance....drives