Originally Posted by NLP-er
Below you will find mail from Google to one site which was blocked because of not fitting into Google TOS. You can set your flags description as you want (that's why I made it configurable  ) - I only give suggestions which in my mind are the best for users of my mod 
Yes, that email from Google clearly points to the same TOS as I posted and no where in Google's email or TOS do they require the Google logo.
That is why I am confused because you said there was a "change in the TOS" but there has been no change in the Google TOS.
Also, you said that Google requires their logo or that they will ban the user. That is also not correct. Google's TOS does not require a logo. It requires "Powered by Google." (text).
Having said that... the Google logo is very nice and we use it
Also, there is nothing in the Google TOS that requires a referral header during database queries.