Ok, I use my vBulletin member database for my site wide membership I want the users to beable to login on my homepage and not be taken to the forums index page. I also want them to be able to login anywhere on the site and have it take them back to where they were browsing.
changes to member.php
PHP Code:
if ($forums=="no") {
} else {
if ($url!="" and $url!="index.php" and $url!=$HTTP_REFERER) {
if (strpos($url,"?")>0) {
} else {
$url = str_replace("\"", "", $url);
} else {
This is my form tag for the login pages that are NOT vbulletin:
PHP Code:
<form method="post" action="/forums/member.php?forums=no&url=<?=$PHP_SELF ?>" name="login">
An example would be:
(notice how it leaves off query string when I access $PHP_SELF is it supposed to do that?)
And this is for the vBulletin pages:
Include template:
PHP Code:
and on the pages:
PHP Code:
<form method="post" action="/forums/member.php?url=$self" name="login">
Now I have 2 problems.
1.) When a user logs in on a non-vB page they get taken back to where they were just like its supposed to, but the query string of the url is left off. I have pages that are displayed with stuff in the query string. (i.e. $page=2 for articles that are multi-paged and it just takes me to the main page of the article) So I need to figure out how to add on the query string.
2.) On vB pages the user is just redirected to forums homepage, not where they were. I think I'm not getting the url into the variable. Might be a problem with my include template.
I am very excited since this will be my first hack, and I know of a number of people who are looking to do the same thing.