Originally Posted by Scalemotorcars
Installed and heavily modded. Here's an example. http://www.scalemotorcars.com/forum/
Ive used the nested menus already built into the mod. Would be nice if that was clearer in the instructions. also, rather then have all that code in the header template I crated another template and just called it into the header.
Also moved most of the JS and CSS into one file with the rest of my extra code.
Thanks for this mod its much cleaner then VB's menu. :up:
It would be nice to know with clear instructions how you moved the JS and CSS, etc...
It would be nice to have the right side sub-menu problem addressed. In your site you have a sub-menu that opens off screen! Your right side sub-menus for your Forum FAQ and Gallery FAQ open off screen because they pop up off to the right. We need an open to have the right side sub-menus pop up off to the left of the menu so they stay on screen!
See Attached Screen Shot of Sub-Menu Problem
Anyone have a solution to this bug/issue??? My laptop screen resolution is set at: 1280 x 800 Without the option to open a sub-menu to the right or the left of a drop menu there will always be of screen problems. This hack needs code added so we can choice to have a sub-menu open to the left of a drop menu. Anyone have a way to do this?