Hi everyone!
We get about 5-10 new spammers a day who make it past the default Akismet filters. These are pretty obvious spam, not subtle or sophisticated.
We're currently on vBulletin 3.7.3 Patch Level 1. [edited to add]: We're also running reCAPTCHA and require email verification.
1. Would upgrading to 3.8 help? Does it have better default spam fighting features? Are there better spam fighting mods available to 3.8? If so, any specific recommendations?
2. Or, should I just install more spam fighting mods for my current version. I'm considering
Stop the Registration Bots and
vbStopForumSpam. Any specific recommendations for 3.7.3?
3. Here are all the current mods we're running. Would these be supported in 3.8?
Moderation Queue on Forumhome: 1.02
Post Thank You: 7.7
Referrer Statistics: 1.3.1
vBAd Management 4.02
vB Ad Management English Language 4.02
vBSEO: 3.1.0
Thank you for your help!