Is it possible to have a level 0 (zero)? I run an aerial combat related site and am theming this modification to fit in with my site. I want to change the phrase "Points" to "Kills" and "Levels" to "Ace". In aerial combat, you need 5 kills to become an Ace. So, I need level 1 to start at 5 points, or kills.
I've written my one Levels xml file to match the very scaled back points levels I'm using. This is the code I'm using for my levels 0 and 1.
$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xperience_level (xperience_points, xperience_level, usergroupid) VALUES (0,0,2)");
$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xperience_level (xperience_points, xperience_level, usergroupid) VALUES (5,1,2)");
I've tried it with and with out the line of code for level 0 (0,0,2) and both ways users with point values between 0 and 5 are all put in level 1.
Any thoughts on this? Thanks!