Originally Posted by Mobo
I've searched and looked through this thread (not all 172 pages!) and have not see the answers to a few questions I have before installing this mod.
1. Does this mod conflict with Yet Another Awards System?
2. When a member buys something from the store, where does it go? It says they are placed in the members profile, but I could not see that on the linked Demo site.
3. Would it be possible to have the store items purchased placed in to a new tab on the user profile page?
Thank you for any help on this.
Okay, I got some of this stuff worked out.
1. It does not conflict with YAAS

2. It is placed in the Experience tab created by this product.
3. I'm working on this part still. I'm having issues finding the correct code from this product to put in to my new tab.
Here is a thread with the code and progress I've gotten so far if anyone is interested in taking a look.