The other issue is that the vbstopforumspam 1st checks IP then it checks email.
If there is a match on email in log I update manually the IP and user name with that email to Stopforumspam as the email pretty much is always real spammer.
That would be a useful thing to automate.
Since spammers usually try with same email and / or IP multiple times and stopforum spam database could go down for a while, I thought that if any successful blocks on email or IP found at stopforumspam, it would make sense to automatically update VB's own blocking database with those likely to be retried IP and/or email. I think that's quite useful compromise between loading the entire stopforumspam database (and syncronising changes) or doing nothing.
I don't think anything needs added to the "in forum" delete as spam or ban user as you want to review banned users in Admin CP before blocking/reporting them.
The Submit code (in last post above) ideally should use a custom user field (Reported) and NOT automatically delete the user. Then the button text could be Unsubmit and remove the details from Stopforumspam, the vboptions user blocking, and unbanned the user (change group to Registered User) if it was all a mistake. Mistakes happen.