Wow you do AMAZING work Sophia...excellent!
Very generous of you to share so much of your work!
Not sure which of, the many you have supplied, are going to actually get installed, but am marking those I am positive about, as installed, and voted on them as well!
Quick question though ...can any of these (including your other thread contributions) also be used as user preference choices, or only the UKBL type of color change and not completely different styles?
Sorry I am new at this, and am not 100% sure if I am understanding things correctly.
A template change replaces or rearranges which elements are handled and displayed, a style changes how things look, colors and I understanding this correctly?
If so then I am able to upload and install any number of these, and others, and either use the UKBL color change technique and/or the default vB drop down box for alternative style user choices as long as I am saving each one with a different id when finished doing the template/style edits for these this correct, or am I hoping for more than what these appear to be?
If anyone can clarify this for me it would be greatly appreciated, or if need be direct me to the proper forum topic to ask this in instead!
In any event, thanks so much for sharing Sophia!