A. A ladder is a competition, i.e. you have 10 teams let's say, if team at the number 2 'rung' on the ladder beats the team at the number 1 'rung', then the team moves up a notch and becomes 'king of the ladder' until someone beats them to knock them back down. You could also call this king of the hill, the object is to win your way to the top and defend your top spot as long as you can.
A. I don't think it incorporates the voting/poll, it's pretty much it's own system.
This is a great league/ladder mod, and thanks again for making it BananaLive. I know you're busy with other mods and other things, and I know you've been asked this a lot probably but here goes:
Do you plan on updating this for vbulletin 4 when it is released?