We haven't identified any conflicts to date but I would like to work with you to figure out what is going on. To insure that the the PMs are being sent can you:
Have two browsers open. I use Firefox and Safari for my testing but you can use IE and Chrome, etc. You just need two browsers running.
1) With one browser login as an admin
2) I have a test account (TestUser) that is a member of the registered users group. With the other browser login as TestUser
2) TestUser creates a thread in Forum A
3) With the other browser (administrator) view this thread and under the Thread Tools menu select Move Thread
4) Select a publicly visible forum (Forum B) to move the thread
5) Go back to TestUser's browser and check private messages. There should be a new one indicating the move.
If you find that no PMs are being sent it could point to a problem where the phrase group is not getting properly loaded and I can dig in with you further to determine the cause. PM me with your findings on the above testing and we'll work to get this fully operational for you.