I've Tried Uninstalling and Re-installing, (and Re-Uploading the Files, of course), and the same Error Occurs, when I Click "Preview Post" the Link "Automatically embed media" to Activate/Deactivate the Media Embedding (located below the "Automatically parse links in text")
Dissapears, Leaving the Option Activated.
How can I Correct this?
Where should I look to Leave the Option Visible Always to be able to Activate/Deactivate it?
My Best Regards.
Originally Posted by inciarco
Possible Bug?
When I Create a Thread, or a New Post, or Edit a Thread, or Edit a New Post, (and go to the "Go Advanced" Editor, of course), on the First Displayed Page (newthread.php, newreply.php, editpost.php) the Option " Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on)." appears, but when I Click the " Preview Changes" Button the Option Dissapears, leaving only the other ones and unabling me to Unselect it for the URLs not to be Converted to Embedded Videos.
I'm Trying this Mod on my vB373 PL1 Test Forum.
Is Somebody Experiencing this Error Too, (on vB38x and vB37x)?
If so, what can I do to Correct it?  What Should I Check and Change?
On the Version 2.2 this Error doesn't Happen, it Happened only on the Update to Verson 2.5.
My Best Regards.
