Driven By Shine, bad idea add this link to Top-5 Pop-up, as when somebody will turn off statistic he will not see this pop-up anymore.
Better idea to add this link to Navigation menu (or better check maybe it already there).
Go to Admin Panel >> Styles >> Search in styles, and find:
PHP Code:
<if condition="$show['siglink']"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=editsignature">$vbphrase[edit_signature]</a></td></tr></if>
Choose style (I think it would be
navbar), click 'Edit'. Find same line in Edit Box, and add after:
PHP Code:
<if condition="!$cybstats_show"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="/misc.php?do=enablestats" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[cyb_afs_turnon_stats]</a></td></tr></if>