Hi there,
This is definitely one of my favorite modules for vbulletin. But my board is in french, so I have a lot of trouble when my board is sending to Facebook.
I got around the notifications problem, by translating the phrases to french and converting french characters with &. For example é = é
That was annoying, at best, but I got it to work.
But it's definitely not working when people publish short stories to Facebook, or when Thread titles have french characters. When it encouters a french character, the title is cut, the story is cut, and it looks REALLY bad in Facebook.
My second problem is with Newsfeed. It doesn't write on my friends newsfeed. It only writes on my wall, but unless you visit my wall, you won't see that I wrote something on my board.
It would be nice to have this work, and configurable only to publish new threads AND/OR new replies to the newsfeed, in case people don't want to flood their friends newsfeed with replies, but only new threads.
Thanks for helping out.