Hi all,
Today we received a letter from Apple that our app is rejected because of use of "Private API" (read this if you interested to know more:
http://groups.google.com/group/three...5046771539d139) - We are going to submit a new app later tonight and keep our finger crosses.
On a bright side it allows us to include a lot more fixes and tweaks to improve the iPhone app, namely:
- better pagination support - the pagination bar will be scrollable up-and-down with the thread view to allow more viewing space, and added "Previous Page" and "Next Page" button at the bottom.
- less crashes - we expect the update will be more (much more) stable than 1.3
- better full screen images support - able to view more images where 1.3 had problem to view
- Edit Post - you can edit the post that you had previously submitted
- "New Posts" - a special place where it shows the latest unread posts. Also topic will be highlighted with blue-dot to indicate unread topics