Originally Posted by dfc005
OK, after my earlier dilemma I've come across a new problem. I can't seem to authorise my account to post messages to a Facebook page using the Page Account itself.
I've got the right PageID and my UserID but whenever I visit http://www.myurl.com/profile.php?do=fbb_pages, nothing changes, I still see....
Could it be because we have multiple users who can update the page maybe?
Consider visiting this URL manually:
Originally Posted by dfc005
Also, what about posting Blogs to your Facebook feed?
Well, I have plan to provide plugin to "connect" Blog
Originally Posted by dfc005
And finally, my last question for now....
What about if we wanted to add custom pushes to a users news feed? For instance my site has quizzes and games etc. Would it be possible for me to push to a users news feed their latest results from a quiz etc?
Developers can provide a plugin to do so. YAFB provide open functions to communicate with Facebook easily

Read my notes on the first post