Originally Posted by Medtech
The vaccine contains mercury and a few other nasty things, it is designed to kill more people than the h1n1 flu it'self.
I got this in an e-mail. It is worth watching. Remember Rumsfeld? Kissenger? It's about what I have been saying for years now about the vaccines. If they are so good for you then why are they prepared to take you to a prison camp if you refuse. Well, not yet, but (my prediction) is that it is coming. Just like the UN spokesman I heard on video tape say they they are going to kill off most of the world population as a smaller population is easier to control. Can you believe a UN spokesman, actually a woman, saying that and then that they will do it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Oh yea. Just what the doctor ordered, or was the the new world order? The video interview is in english and hits home hard and tells it like it is. The best news out now days comes from sources overseas as the US media is all bought and paid for. How many commercials breaks on TV to you have to watch before you do not see one for the latest and greatest medical problem solver?
If you didn't believe what's being said about the dangers of swine flu vaccine and the intent to reduce the world population maybe you might believe the Minister of Health for Finland and she is naming names such as Rumsfeld. This should convince you
It contains Thiomersal...not quite the same...
Will pandemic vaccines contain thiomersal, which some believe is a risk to health?
Thiomersal is a commonly used vaccine preservative to prevent vaccine contamination by bacteria during use. Inactivated vaccines will contain thiomersal if they are supplied in multi-dose vials. Some products can have ''traces" of thiomersal when the chemical is used during the production process as an antibacterial agent, which is later removed during the purification process.
Thiomersal does not contain methyl mercury, which is a naturally-occurring compound and whose toxic effects on humans have been well studied. Thiomersal contains a different form of mercury (i.e. ethyl mercury, which does not accumulate, is metabolized and removed from the body much faster than methyl mercury).
The safety of thiomersal has been rigorously reviewed by scientific groups. There is no evidence of toxicity in infants, children or adults, including pregnant women, exposed to thiomersal in vaccines.