REPLACE INTO datastore
(title, data, unserialize)
This isnt SQL that my Mod uses.
MySQL Error : Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
This is a mySQL database error. mysql is given more data that it can handle. Try installing/uninstalling it. The mod doesnt really make that much in the way of database changes.
This is the database uninstall
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS`".TABLE_PREFIX."vbstopforumspam_log`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS`".TABLE_PREFIX."vbstopforumspam_remotecache `
ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup DROP vbstopforumspamviewpermissions
ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup DROP vbstopforumspamsubmitpermissions
And delete the vbstopforumspam hooks for register_addmember_process and register_addmember_complete
And why it happened, no idea im afraid. There looks like there is underlying mysql database issues on your server. If you really really need, and you have phpymadmin, PM me and Ill see if I can uninstall it for you, althought Im not convinced my mod killed your forum. It looks like vbulletin has stopped with an error of its own, when trying to uninstall something
in vb_databstore, there are two rows that my mod appears in. This IS a vbulletin table, not one of mine -products & plugins. I would reinstall/unnistalling/reinstalling/uninstalling as vbulletin has choked here.